Types of psoriasis-disease photos

Girl hides psoriasis

Psoriasis is a fairly common skin disease characterized by scaling and severe itching of the affected skin. There are many types of this disease. The most common types of psoriasis should be considered in detail. These injuries can also be seen in the photos.

Causes of diseases

This disease is usually chronic. Its development is based on the following reasons:

  1. Weakens the immune system. The abnormal immune process causes the skin to thicken, with the result that the chronic form of the disease gradually begins to develop.
  2. Genetic susceptibility. If at least one parent has psoriasis, the possibility of skin damage is very high.
  3. Neurological disorders and emotional disturbances. This is one of the most serious factors in the development of this skin disease.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. The pathological changes of the endocrine system provide the initial motivation for the appearance of the first symptoms of psoriasis.
  5. Destroy the metabolic process in the body. This is due to lack of vitamins and other nutrients.
  6. The presence of parasitic diseases. Various worms can poison the human body. Toxic substances may damage the skin.

Modern medicine has not yet discovered the exact cause of this pathology.Back psoriasisMost commonly, experts have discovered a relationship between immune system diseases and psoriasis outbreaks.

The symptoms of this disease

As mentioned earlier, there are many types of this skin disease. Depending on this, patients may have different symptoms. The most common forms of psoriasis and its symptoms should be considered in more detail.

Psoriasis Vulgaris

represents the appearance of patches with white scales. The affected skin becomes inflamed and discolored. The size of this plaque gradually increases, and the scales fall off over time. Psoriasis on the hands may not have scales, especially in the folds. In these places, the skin turns red and there is severe itching and burning. Inguinal psoriasis develops in the same way. Psoriasis vulgaris can affect most skins.

Psoriasis teardrops

The name of the disease is derived from the drop-like form of the outbreak of convex psoriasis. They have a purple-red color. Drop-shaped tumors are usually scattered on the back, abdomen, and affect almost all parts of the body. They can cause severe itching, especially during exacerbations.Pustular psoriasisIn most cases, this disease is the result of past infectious diseases.

Pustular psoriasis: photo

This type of psoriasis is the appearance of small bumps, filled with transparent liquid. The skin around these pimples becomes inflamed and turns bright red. It peels off easily and causes pain. This disease usually manifests on the nail plate. Pustular psoriasis can be seen in the photo.

Arthropathy psoriasis

It develops gradually, and the initial stage of the disease can pass without any symptoms. Damage to joints and muscle tissue. As the patient progressed, he began to feel discomfort in the affected joint area and observed stiffness in movement, especially after waking up. The skin on the affected area is inflamed and red. The joints of the upper and lower limbs are most commonly affected by psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis on the bottom of the palm

This is a fairly common disease. It is characterized by damage to the palms and soles of the feet. In these places, solid focal points with sharp edges appear. Continuous dryness and peeling of the skin can cause cracking. In this case, you should be extra careful because the wound may be infected.Early psoriasisThe skin on the affected area becomes hard and rough.

Early Psoriasis: Photos

How did this pathology begin to develop? The disease may be asymptomatic in the initial stages. Small pink patches usually appear. The skin surface on them is still smooth and shiny. A few days later, the plaque was covered with small scales, and the itching of the affected area began to bother. These scales are easily removed from the plaques, and the skin under them looks inflamed. This process is called psoriasis.

Psoriasis in children

This disease can even occur in newborns. There is always a painful sensation in the affected area, followed by severe itching. The plaque that forms most often ruptures and begins to bleed a little. This process is called capillary psoriasis. The danger of this form is that it may infect the wounds formed by children.

Head Psoriasis: Photos

It is not uncommon to find that this disease causes damage to the scalp. As this lesion develops, the hair falls out and stops growing. The location of the lesion can be observed in the following positions of the head:

  • Psoriasis is behind the ears;
  • on the occipital region and on the forehead;
  • Neck psoriasisPsoriasis on the head
  • on the scalp.

Head diseases are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Slight scaling, itching and irritation;
  • Inflammation of the affected area;
  • Scratching the sore will cause damage;
  • The skin gradually becomes stronger and stronger;
  • Dandruff on the scalp;
  • The skin is very vulnerable to severe trauma;
  • Itching is increasing every day.

Advanced Psoriasis-Photos

The advanced form of this disease can have dangerous consequences. In addition to psoriatic arthritis, a person may also have the following pathologies:

  • Heart and blood vessel dysfunction;
  • Ischemic disease;
  • Stroke;
  • Advanced psoriasis
  • Arrhythmia.

The patient begins to feel unwell:

  • The inflamed skin is purple;
  • General weakness;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • heart;
  • Loss of appetite until complete loss;
  • Weakness of muscles and joints.

The advanced form of this disease affects a large area of ​​the skin. The patient will feel constant weakness and fatigue. Therefore, it is very important to start early treatment.

The consequences of this disease

It is no secret that the outbreak of psoriasis can seriously damage the quality of daily life. The affected person may have the following psychophysical problems:

  • Fear of exercise;
  • Need to keep hiding diseases;
  • 's self-confidence is gradually disappearing;
  • develops into a chronic depressive state;
  • The problem of the opposite sex, a person begins to avoid close relationships with relatives.

Moreover, in some cases, this pathology can have a negative impact on a person's choice of professional activities.

Therefore, the disease not only has a negative impact on physical health, but also has a negative impact on mental and emotional state. At the first signs of psoriasis, you need to contact a specialist for help. He will prescribe the most effective treatment to help get rid of the rash as soon as possible.